"Though an old man, I am but a young gardener." - Thomas Jefferson
I learned to garden in Southern California, and earned my Master Gardener certification in Colorado. Now I live in New England, where things are entirely different from my previous two locations.
Dreaming of Spring
Today we all went to the Spring Flower Show down in Boston. Weather outside here in Salem, MA was 19 F. when I got up at 8:00am, but we didn't spend much time outside, just long enough to get into the car, and then once at the convention center a brief walk across the street from the (enclosed) parking facility to the convention hall. …
Continue reading Dreaming of Spring
Raspberries, Part 2
I spent a year giving deep thought to what varieties of raspberries to plant. I wound up ordering 4 types: Prelude, Caroline, Jaclyn and Joan J. The last two are "primocane" varieties that are supposed to bear in spring on last year's canes, and in the fall on this year's canes.
Continue reading Raspberries, Part 2
A mystery echinacea & a couple weeds
In the past couple days, a new echinacea has bloomed in my garden. I got it this spring at the Salem Eco Fair, at a local garden club's sale table. There was no label on the little plant, but it was pretty clear that it was some kind of coneflower. …
Continue reading A mystery echinacea & a couple weeds
Raspberries, Part 1
- In which Marcia relates the saga of the raspberry bed -
Once upon a time (say, mid-2010), Marcia's friend Eleanor mentioned that she loved fresh raspberries, and wondered if there might be some place in the yard where a few raspberry plants could be tucked in? …
Continue reading Raspberries, Part 1
Pulling out daylilies
I spent part of this afternoon with a dirt fork and a shovel, ripping out about 8 sq' of orange daylilies.
Last week the bed in question looked like the picture above. By today the flowers had gone by, so I set to work on getting the daylilies pulled out. …
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The first peonies are open!
I took a walk in the garden yesterday, and found one of the magenta peony bushes in full bloom.
The mystery plant by the toolshed turned out to be a foxglove, which apparently had volunteered as neither Eleanor nor I remember planting it on purpose.
Continue reading The first peonies are open!