In the past couple days, a new echinacea has bloomed in my garden. I got it this spring at the Salem Eco Fair, at a local garden club's sale table. There was no label on the little plant, but it was pretty clear that it was some kind of coneflower. Now that it's bloomed, I can see that the color is sort of a golden yellow. I couldn't find a match in my rummaging around the internet, so I've posted it to the plant I.D. forum on the Dave's Garden site. Maybe someone will recognize it.
I also posted two mystery plants which are probably weeds.
When I looked at the big one, the old song "The Eggplant that Ate Chicago" popped into my mind. It volunteered be my next-door neighbor's back fence. I'm thinking she might want to get rid of it before... wait! *too late*! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!