I spent a year giving deep thought to what varieties of raspberries to plant. I wound up ordering 4 types: Prelude, Caroline, Jaclyn and Joan J. The last two are "primocane" varieties that are supposed to bear in spring on last year's canes, and in the fall on this year's canes.
When they arrived, I put the plants in a bucket of water to keep the roots happy. Since they were shipped dormant, they mostly looked like a bunch of sticks.
Now, it was time to tuck the little darlings into their new home.
So now they're officially planted. I have achieved my goal at last! But they still just look like sticks.
Happily, they started putting out new leaves right away.
And more leaves...
And more leaves...
They look happy and healthy, and the last time I checked they have even bloomed. A couple of the plants have even set fruit!
So, the raspberry project, a year in the making, is underway. I'll post an update when we harvest out first berries.